All requests need to be in writing. We’ll be happy to speak with you on the phone, but we will not take clearance requests over the phone. Written requests can be faxed or emailed if in a PDF non editable form. Clearances and licenses are legal documents. If you don’t have access to a fax or are unable to create a PDF and you are serious about licensing music for a project, give us a call. I’m sure we can work something out.

Requests need to include the following info.:
1. Your name, company name, address, phone/fax/email
2. Project name, synopsis, music budget, any other important production detail
3. Song title, artist, album title, record label
4. Scene description – describe the scene in the movie/show
5. Use & timing – instrumental or vocal? How long is the music use?
6. Rights requested (length of term, territories needed, media needed)
7. Deadline for clearance